St. Paul Catholic Church with empty pews


St. Paul The Apostle Parish is a vibrant Catholic Church in Jersey City, NJ with rich history beginning in 1861.

This excerpt from NJCU details it perfectly:

As one drives east across the NJ Turnpike extension bridge (I-78), the steeple of Saint Paul the Apostle Roman Catholic Church dominates the skyline.  Considered one of the tallest church towers in all of New Jersey, the steeple is the signature feature of the Gothic Revival-style church at Greenville Avenue and Old Bergen Road. Constructed in 1888 on the highest point in southern Greenville, 98 feet above sea level, the facade resembles a medieval cathedral. The New York Times commented, "The architecture of the building is pure Gothic" (July 16, 1888).

The history of the parish is intertwined with that of Greenville. Many parishioners call their church "St. Paul’s (Greenville)" rather than by its official name St. Paul the Apostle. The parish's growth and development reflect the changing fortunes of the Greenville section of Jersey City.

Whether you are a longtime parishioner or looking for a new place to call home, St. Paul’s welcomes you with open arms!

Be St. Paul and do something new.

Support our parish, fill the pews!